Star Citizen Patch 3.12.0
Alpha Patch 3.12.0 has been released and is now available! Patch should now show: VERSION 3.12.0-LIVE.6705298.
It is strongly recommended that players delete their USER folder for the Public client after patching, particularly if you start encountering any odd character graphical issues or crash on loading. The USER folder can be found (in default installations) at C:\Program Files\Roberts Space Industries\StarCitizen\LIVE.
Database Reset: YES
Long Term Persistence: Enabled
Starting aUEC: 20,000
Known Issues
- When logging into the Terminals at TDDs, they can display incorrect Commodity Information and Prevent Sales
- Esperia Talon will have power issues with normal use in gravity
- Player is unable to activate mining consumables in the Argo Mole
- Player can spawn falling through the planet upon login
- Visiting location from fresh boot will cause player to spawn on the surface on Hurston
- Ship canopy may open and close without user input
- It’s possible to have player timeout trying to login
- Some clients are not receiving full member list in global channel
- Player eyes are extra reflective in video.
- Select CRU series station external elevators are missing (CRU-L1 and CRU-L5)
- The shopkeepers of both Live Fire Weapons and Garrity Defense are stood away from their desks
- Being arrested with both utility slots occupied causes the player to respawn in prison with a broken multi-tool.
- Players may see duplicate General chat channels in their mobiGlas
- Refining kiosk warning message is missing that warns players that materials not selected for refinement will be discarded
New Features
- Space Station Refinery Decks
Dedicated areas in Rest Stops that allow players to sell unrefined minerals, drop off mined materials to be refined, and buy or rent new mining equipment and ships.
Kiosks have been placed in the Refining decks that allow players to take their raw mixed ore from their mining ship and refine it. The player can use these kiosks to create multiple refining jobs which are persistent and complete over a period of time, based on quantity and complexity, and create refined ore that is more valuable than unrefined. There are different kinds of refining processes which produce different percentage yields depending on the type of resource being refined. Additionally, different refineries may have different proficiencies. Once one or multiple jobs are completed, the player can collect the refined materials into a ship with cargo capability and sell at a commodity kiosk, with most goods sell-able at major city ports. Now that we have a specific location where refining takes place in the ‚verse, most mineable transactions have been moved there. You can still sell unrefined ore at these locations, or choose to refine them. Levski will also purchase unrefined materials.
- Spacescaping Stanton: Lagrange Point Updates
Updating all extra-planetary Lagrange point locations in the PU with improved visuals and first gas cloud implementation.
- Reputation – T1
This system will introduce the first foundational system of reputation added to the game to track a player’s relationship with various entities, such as important NPCs and Organizations. This reputation is now stored in long term persistence so that it will remain through database wipes and character resets. Currently, reputation levels with an NPC or Organization are only seen through different dialogs or access to higher paying missions. We are working to add functionality to improve player visibility of reputation in a future update.
Mission Giver Reputation: All mission givers except Ruto (due to tech requirements for him being a hologram) have been updated to use the new reputation system. Doing missions for a Mission Giver will cause you to gain and lose reputation with them. They should react appropriately, playing different lines of dialogue based on your performance. If you fail too frequently, they will terminate their relationship with you and refuse to work with you missions for a set amount of time. With Alpha 3.12, no new missions have been added specifically for Mission Givers, however, we plan to add new missions in the future now that the reputation framework has been put in place.
Bounty and Assassination Missions: Many of the Bounty and Assassination mission chains have been updated to use the new Reputation System. In doing this restructure, Bounty missions were split into being given by 4 Local Bounty Departments, each with their own reputation, all presided over by a parent Bounty Hunters Guild. As you increase your reputation with the Bounty Hunters Guild and its children, you will unlock Certification missions. If you complete the Certification Missions, you will unlock a new tier of higher difficulty, higher payout Bounty Hunter missions. Keep an eye on your wallet when you complete bounty missions and you might notice that some organizations will include a little something extra if you have high reputation with them. This is the first of many „Perks“ we intend to include. Assassination missions have all of the above, but there is only one Organization for them at this time: a one-man operation run by someone named Vaughn.
- Weapon Zeroing – T0
- Multi-Tool – Tractor Beam Implementation T0
- Ship Entry Identification
- Ship Thruster Wind Volumes
Ship thrusters now create wind volumes when in use that will interact and blow away physics based objects, ships, and players.
Ships and Vehicles
- New Ship: Esperia Talon
- New Ship: Esperia Talon Shrike
- New FPS Weapon: Gemini A03 Sniper Rifle
- New FPS Weapon: Behring FS-9 LMG
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